Daily Payment Summary Report
Daily automated report sent to you via email of all ezyCollect payments made within ezyCollect.
This is setup by the ezyCollect team; you can send us an email at simplypaid@ezycollect.com.au to make changes to the recipient if you wish.
Sample email:
Settlement Report
Settlement report is sent if you have received any payments from the previous day and settlement is scheduled to arrive in your nominated bank account on that day.
This usually occurs on a daily basis as long as you have any amounts scheduled to be settled on that day.
Quick Overview of Settlement Report
Monthly Fee Invoice
This report is sent on a monthly basis, sent around the 5th of the following month and due the 7th day itemising fees from the previous month/s.
Our finance team will send you an invoice for all the fees collected/paid and/or if you have any outstanding fees due for payment.
This report will come from billing@ezycollect.com.au - please contact our team if you have any questions on this report.