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Everything you need to know about your ezyCollect

Timezone and Date Format Configuration
Invoice Status
Template Button Settings
Promise to Pay
Escalate multiple customers to send Demand Letter or to Debt Collection
Templates Page
Statement Data and Design
Customer Status
Customers who owe me money report
Activating customers in bulk
ezyCollect's Customer Page
Thank you email for customer payments
Add-on services and pricing
Customer Contacts for Advanced Business Manager (ABM) integrated to ezyCollect
ezyCollect's Customer Portal
Pausing customers in ezyCollect
Excluding customers in ezyCollect
ezyCollect User Email Alerts, Notifications and Report Settings
Send a thank you for payment email
Invoice credit terms do not match MYOB customer credit terms on card file
Customer contacts for Attache BI integrated to ezyCollect
How to send SMS to your customers
Customer contacts for MYOB ARLive, ARDesktop, AROffline, Essentials integrated to ezyCollect
Customer contacts for Xero integrated to ezyCollect
Advanced Communication Workflow Settings
Customer contacts for MYOB EXO integrated to ezyCollect
Excluding invoices in your automated reminders
Customer contacts for MYOB Advanced integrated to ezyCollect
Customer contacts for NetSuite/JCurve integrated to ezyCollect
Chasing oldest invoice
Customer Contact Tagging
Setting up Fax as a Communication Type
How to Send Copies of Open and Invoices via ezyCollect
Your customer contact as default ezyCollect communications recipient
How to insert images on your ezyCollect e-mail templates
How to send an On-demand Customer Statement
ezyCollect - MYOB EXO Activity Write-back
Full Customer List in ezyCollect
How to manually log notes and communications to debtors
Setting up & editing your customer's credit limit
Including Paused and Excluded Customers in New Invoice and Pre-reminder Emails
Credit Limit & Credit Limit Usage
SMS Features and Pricing
Postal Letter Pricing
How to Change Sync Interval
Selecting the format of invoice copies for MYOB AccountRight Live
How to 'Sync on Demand' with your accounting software
Detailed customer report
How to insert your logo into follow-up emails
How to search for a customer
Customers in the Red Zone
Using advanced filters to find specific debtor groups
Sending on-demand or manual email reminders
Changing customer terms in MYOB (in bulk)
Credit / Customer Application: Capturing Direct Debit Authority (DDA) + DDA Mapping